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Introducing Your Children to Music Lessons: A Guide

Our goal is to nurture your child’s musical ability. With the intensified interest in how young children learn and grow, the ideas of Shinichi Suzuki often come the attention of parents. As teachers, we will help you decide if you are interested in giving your child music lessons.

First of all, you must know that when you begin music lessons, you will be spending more time with your child. Your interest goes beyond merely “exposing the child to music lessons.” Your interest in music will help you enjoy your child more and help you understand your relationship better through music.

You will explore ideas of mutual learning, home practice, attending lessons and class practice, and the enthusiastic continuing support for the process of learning to play the instrument.

The parent’s role involves the following:

1.  Learning the fundamentals of playing the instrument by observation, and how to take care of the instrument.
2.  Attending all lessons and supervising home practice until age 10
3.  Playing the compact disc (CD) every day to develop artistic playing repertoire
4.  Developing love of music through concerts and recordings from age zero
5.  Attending all lessons consistently and in a timely manner
6.  Helping to create not only a musical environment for the child, but also a total environment of affection, support, engagement, and understanding

The parent need not be a trained musician in order to be a good “home teacher.” With the teacher’s guidance, the parent can help with bowing, fingering, posture, and later on, with note reading.

Finally, the single most important point for the parent is to be willing to devote regular time to the project, and to work closely with the teacher in building a fine relationship for the sake of the child’s growth and development.

The Roles of Our Students

They are required to:

  • Practice regularly every day— seven days a week if possible. Short practice is better than no practice.
  • Be willing to practice in small steps. Parents can help with this.
  • Listen to the teacher’s instructions and practice in the same manner that you work with their teacher in class.
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